We will be exploring many themes in To Kill a Mockingbird, including prejudice, courage, justice and the use and abuse of power; another is the Gothic theme which includes elements such as these:
Gothic literature often is set in old, rundown structures, especially castles or great country manors. The building usually features hidden passages, trap doors, dungeons or secret rooms, and has suffered a decline from its former greatness.
Emotions run high in Gothic literature. Characters are often passionate and strong-willed, defying others or even their own common sense in pursuit of their goals. Women are often curious and have a tendency to swoon, while men storm and rage in reflection of unseen inner torments.
Damsels in Distress
The Supernatural
The supernatural often appears in Gothic literature, particularly ghosts and unexplained manifestations. In some Gothic novels, these elements ultimately have a rational explanation, but the implication always suggests something not of this world.
The overall impression of a Gothic world is one of decay: a formerly great family, community, country or individual who has peaked and now begins a slow process of decline. This appears both in the landscape (crumbling buildings) and in the characters themselves.