English 8 Name
To Kill a Mockingbird DUE
Doppelganger Essay
As part of our reading of To Kill a Mockingbird, we will be exploring the theme of Doppelgänger. Dopplegänger comes from German; literally translated, it means “doublegoer” or “double walker.” A dopplegänger is often the ghostly counterpart of a living person. It can also mean a double, alter ego, evil twin, shadow, mirror-image, or even another person who has the same name. Some refer to it as the ghostly shadow that haunts and follows its earthly counterpart; the negative or evil manifestation of what is actually on the “inside” of the haunted character.
From http://www.studyguide.org/lit_terms.htm:
For example: in the thriller Psycho by Robert Bloch, the protagonist Norman Bates becomes so distraught after killing his mother in a jealous rage that he gradually takes on her personality. She becomes his alter ego, and by the end of the novel has taken over his mind completely. Other famed doubles in Gothic lore include Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde, Victor Frankenstein/his monster. More recent examples might include Batman/Bruce Wayne, Gollum, and Sirius Black. I am sure you can think of others.
How are you a doppelganger? What are your two sides? The side that you show others and the one that you keep hidden for you only. These two sides of your personality make up your entire person. Clearly we don’t want you to share anything that makes you uncomfortable when writing about your private self; however, we do want you to have this essay serve as a springboard for the project you will be working on next.
As you write, have fun with your lead. Perhaps you will begin with a description or a bold statement about yourself. As always, tell and show with details and perhaps even personal anecdotes that truly reveal your two sides.
Doppelganger Project
Search through magazines, photo albums, scrapbooks, etc.
Compile pictures and/or items that symbolize all aspects of your personality.
Sort the items into two piles: inner qualities (aspects that you may not share often or at all with others) and outer appearance (aspects of your personality that you often share with others: what people see when they look at you.) You do not have to reveal your deepest darkest secrets, only what you feel comfortable about sharing with the class.
Once you have sorted your pictures/items, you can place them on and inside or outside of your project - perhaps a book or some other object that symbolizes you: a stage, a mask, poster, or even create a video. You may get as creative as you like, but please clear your plan with your teacher first.
After we share our projects, we will discuss the issues of prejudice in To Kill a Mockingbird, and the tendency to judge others by their outward appearance.
As part of our reading of To Kill a Mockingbird, we will be exploring the theme of Doppelgänger. Dopplegänger comes from German; literally translated, it means “doublegoer” or “double walker.” A dopplegänger is often the ghostly counterpart of a living person. It can also mean a double, alter ego, evil twin, shadow, mirror-image, or even another person who has the same name. Some refer to it as the ghostly shadow that haunts and follows its earthly counterpart; the negative or evil manifestation of what is actually on the “inside” of the haunted character.
From http://www.studyguide.org/lit_terms.htm:
For example: in the thriller Psycho by Robert Bloch, the protagonist Norman Bates becomes so distraught after killing his mother in a jealous rage that he gradually takes on her personality. She becomes his alter ego, and by the end of the novel has taken over his mind completely. Other famed doubles in Gothic lore include Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde, Victor Frankenstein/his monster. More recent examples might include Batman/Bruce Wayne, Gollum, and Sirius Black. I am sure you can think of others.
How are you a doppelganger? What are your two sides? The side that you show others and the one that you keep hidden for you only. These two sides of your personality make up your entire person. Clearly we don’t want you to share anything that makes you uncomfortable when writing about your private self; however, we do want you to have this essay serve as a springboard for the project you will be working on next.
As you write, have fun with your lead. Perhaps you will begin with a description or a bold statement about yourself. As always, tell and show with details and perhaps even personal anecdotes that truly reveal your two sides.
Doppelganger Project