Tuesday, September 16, 2014

English 7: Plans 9/15 - 9/19

Monday 9/15
In Class
WV review on projector
collect outdoor ed essays
WV due Friday

Tuesday, 9/16
In Class
Grammar - sentence types
Continue watching The Outsiders
WV due Friday
Grammar lessons 1, 2, 3, 4 odds
visit my blog

find the 2016 HW calendar

Wednesday, 9/17
In Class
Correct grammar
Return all written work
Finish The Outsiders
WV due Friday

Thursday, 9/18
In Class
Writing workshop - follow my lead
WV due Friday
10 leads per student using the pics and topics you were given - see the post on my blog for specifics

Friday, 9/19
In Class
Begin Wonder
Read Wonder up to p. 34, “First Day Jitters”