Monday, October 31
In Class
Read partner’s letter esssay and respond
Independent reading
WV 6 - scary, compound/complex sentences due Friday
Tuesday, November 1 - professional development day - no school for students
WV 6 - scary, compound/complex sentences due Friday
Wednesday, November 2
No Class - Coast Guard Academy Field Trip
WV 6 - scary, compound sentences due Friday
Due Friday - bring in an news article that will be the basis for a 5 paragraph essay
Thursday, November 3
In Class
Writer’s workshop - Begin - what is expository writing; choosing a topic; requirements/focus of assignment; planning using graphic organizers
WV 6 - scary, compound/complex sentences due tmrw
Due tmrw - bring in an news article that will be the basis for a 5 paragraph essay
Friday, November 4
In Class
Writer’s workshop continued - using the article brought in - begin planning
What is your stand? Your thesis?
Homework free weekend (unless you are behind and need to catch up)