Monday, September 5
Labor Day
Tuesday, September 6
Community Welcome 8-10 a.m.
Wednesday, September 7
In Class
Collect summer work
Classroom routines - RC - tour of the classroom
Survey who has tech to use in school?
Share expectations with parents and sign
Summer Reading Selfie due Friday
Thursday, September 8
In Class
Check expectations - to remain in binder
Reading Survey
Discuss reading workshop - different format - minilessons, books of choice
Hand out writer’s notebooks - to be decorated and ready to go on Monday
Have a book or at least a title to begin reading on Monday
Summer Reading Selfie due Friday
Friday, September 9
In Class
Summer Reading Selfie due
Set up reading notebooks
Writing survey
Writer’s notebooks - to be decorated and ready to go on Monday
Have a book or at least a title to begin reading on Monday