Wednesday, September 3, 2014

English 6, 7, 8: Curriculum Overview and Expectations

English 6, 7 & 8 Curriculum Overview and Expectations

Routines: The daily homework will be posted on the board.  The syllabus, long-term projects, and daily homework are also posted on our web page and updated regularly.  Students are to refer to the syllabus for assignments, but use their planner to copy down daily assignments from the board; change is inevitable.

A hard copy of written work, unless otherwise stated, should be handed in when due. This means that sharing a Google Doc is not acceptable. With our new e-print capability, students are able to print their homework from home to a TCS printer if needed. Come to class prepared.

Word Voyages
Each week students will be assigned a different vocabulary lesson based on both Latin and Greek roots as well as on words from the classroom novels we are reading. This is an individualized program that will also layer in spelling and grammar.

Students will write expository, persuasive, narrative, and descriptive pieces.  They will participate in writers’ workshop and will complete three timed prompts throughout the year in addition to their writing assignments based on class novels.  Rubrics will be provided as needed.
Students may elect to rewrite papers to improve their grade. They must submit their revised paper with the original CORRECTED copy as well as a peer-editing checklist.  They must have someone proofread and edit their work in addition to relying on our original editing/revising suggestions and comments.

Grammar and Mechanics
Students will extend their grammar study through Glencoe Grammar and Language Workbook. Students are expected to apply the rules of grammar to their writing so that they can put to practical use what they are learning.  We grade each lesson (the numbers on the syllabus refer to the lesson, not the page number.)  Typically we assign the odd-numbered problems. If a student does poorly on the odd numbered examples, we provide one week to redo the assignment by completing the even-numbered problems. Students can retake a grammar test within two weeks of the original quiz/test if they can correct their original test by writing out the questions with the answers on a SEPARATE piece of paper.  The student’s parent must sign the original.  The retake replaces the original grade.

Students will practice analogies on a weekly basis. These word puzzles help prepare the students for the SSAT.

Literature: Our classroom novels, selections from poetry, and short story anthologies 
are multi-genre and interdisciplinary.

Independent Reading: Students will carry an independent book with them at all times.  They will read a variety of genres, set a personal reading goal, and track their progress throughout the year. Students will be required to write about their independent reading selections.

STEAM: Steam activities (science, technology, engineering, art, and mathematics) will be woven into our curriculum throughout the year.

Speaking: Students will engage in various speaking opportunities including the annual MacLane Poetry Recitation.
Grading: Students are graded on homework, classwork, and binder checks; quizzes and tests; essays and projects; preparation and participation.  Major assignments will be marked down if they are not turned in on time (unless the student has emailed us asking for an extension or s/he is absent from school.)  Writing pieces must be typed, double-spaced and 12pt. Times New Roman font.

Classroom Binder and Daily Preparation: Students are always expected to “Give me 5.”  In other words they must always bring to class the following: 1. Writing implement, 2. Homework, 3. Books, 4. Planner, 5. Binder.  Their binder is considered their “living textbook.”  Binder checks - every three weeks- will be part of the grading process.

Communication: Email, phone, and face-to-face conferences are welcome.  We will return all messages within 24 hours.  Our partnership is critical.  Call 203.421.3113 x189 or email me at