Dear Parents,
We are off and running! Their sixth grade year has started smoothly with the typical managing of the schedules, navigating their way around the Middle School and learning the expectations of several different teachers.
We are looking forward to spending the night in Kent with your children on September 29, departing at 7:00 a.m. that morning and returning to school for regular dismissal Friday, September 30.
Before the trip, the children will spend some of Team Time and Advisory creating goals, and considering their hopes and dreams for this adventure. They will pitch tents and together we will review the packing list, ensuring that we have everything necessary prior to packing the van at 7:00 a.m. Thursday morning.
The Mountain Workshop is a fantastic company that has been working with The Country School for years; they have this trip down to a science with games, hikes, group field activities, and more. From joining them on their overnight at Deer Lake last spring, I know they are well prepared!
Everything you need to know – from medical forms to packing lists – can be found here
As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to one of us.
For TCS,
Teresa Sullivan and Jason Wainio