Tuesday, September 30, 2014

English 8: Doppelganger Essay and Project - 2014

English 8 Name
To Kill a Mockingbird DUE

Doppelganger Essay

As part of our reading of To Kill a Mockingbird, we will be exploring the theme of Doppelgänger.  Dopplegänger comes from German; literally translated, it means “doublegoer” or “double walker.”  A dopplegänger is often the ghostly counterpart of a living person. It can also mean a double, alter ego, evil twin, shadow, mirror-image, or even another person who has the same name.  Some refer to it as the ghostly shadow that haunts and follows its earthly counterpart; the negative or evil manifestation of what is actually on the “inside” of the haunted character.

From http://www.studyguide.org/lit_terms.htm:
For example: in the thriller Psycho by Robert Bloch, the protagonist Norman Bates becomes so distraught after killing his mother in a jealous rage that he gradually takes on her personality. She becomes his alter ego, and by the end of the novel has taken over his mind completely.  Other famed doubles in Gothic lore include Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde, Victor Frankenstein/his monster. More recent examples might include Batman/Bruce Wayne, Gollum, and Sirius Black. I am sure you can think of others.

How are you a doppelganger?  What are your two sides?  The side that you show others and the one that you keep hidden for you only.  These two sides of your personality make up your entire person.  Clearly we don’t want you to share anything that makes you uncomfortable when writing about your private self; however, we do want you to have this essay serve as a springboard for the project you will be working on next.

As you write, have fun with your lead.  Perhaps you will begin with a description or a bold statement about yourself.  As always, tell and show with details and perhaps even personal anecdotes that truly reveal your two sides.

Doppelganger Project

  • Search through magazines, photo albums, scrapbooks, etc.

  • Compile pictures and/or items that symbolize all aspects of your personality.

  • Sort the items into two piles: inner qualities (aspects that you may not share often or at all with others) and outer appearance (aspects of your personality that you often share with others: what people see when they look at you.) You do not have to reveal your deepest darkest secrets, only what you feel comfortable about sharing with the class.

  • Once you have sorted your pictures/items, you can place them on and inside or outside of your project - perhaps a book or some other object that symbolizes you: a stage, a mask, poster, or even create a video.  You may get as creative as you like, but please clear your plan with your teacher first.

  • After we share our projects, we will discuss the issues of prejudice in To Kill a Mockingbird, and the tendency to judge others by their outward appearance.

English 8: Plans Sept. 29- Oct. 3, 2014

Monday, 9/29
In Class
review gothic elements - powerpoint presentation
WV 3

Tuesday, 9/30
In Class
correct misunderstood grammar section on quiz
grammar unit 2 lessons 9, 10, 11 - ODDS nouns
discuss gothic elements in ch 4-6 - Doppelganger disc.
WV 3
grammar 9, 10, 11 odds

Wednesday, 10/1
In Class
correct grammar
WW - doppelganger - write about your two sides - due Monday
talk about annotation and its importance
WV 3
Ch 7, 8, 9 - must be annotated

Thursday, 10/2
In Class
inroduce Doppelganger project
Chapters 1- however far you have gotten- SOAPS
WV 3
Ch 7, 8, 9 - must be annotated

Friday, 10/3
In Class
binder check
check and discuss annotated chapters 7, 8, 9

doppelganger - write about your two sides - due Monday

English 7: Plans Sept. 29 - Oct. 3, 2014

Monday, 9/29
In Class
WW - What makes you ordinary?
WV 3

Tuesday, 9/30
In Class
return all papers
grammar 7, 9, 10 odds - work on evens in class
begin to talk about Wonder
WV 3
grammar 7, 8, 9 odds

Wednesday, 10/1
In Class
correct grammar
WW - What makes you ordinary - or not? - essay will be due Monday
WV 3
Read Wonder , part two - through p 117 for Friday

Thursday, 10/2
In Class
Ms. Smelser comes to class - starts thumbnail sketches
thumbnail sketches due tomorrow
fiinsh part 2

Friday, 10/3
In Class
binder check
springboard - freewrite - who is someone special in your life and why?
discuss Via - part two

ordinary essay due Monday

English 6: Plans Sept. 29 - Oct. 5, 2014

Monday, 9/29
In Class
Writing Workshop - What do you think about Dadi as a father?
WV 3

Tuesday, 9/30
In Class
grammar - Unit 1 review pp 61-62 ALL
Shabanu - “Shatoosh” and answer question 4 “What is a shatoosh?  What coincidence makes the shopkeeper give Shabnu the beautiful shatoosh?  What effect do you think it had on her opinion of herself?”
discuss “Shatoosh” - 5w’s, 1H
WV 3

Wednesday, 10/1
In Class
correct grammar
Dadi - rough draft
WV 3
grammar quiz Unit 1 Friday
Type up final draft for Dadi essay due Monday - submit all drafts

Thursday, 10/2
In Class
Shabanu read pp 77-90 “Dowry” and “Nose Pegs” and work on Personal Response and Analyzing Lit worksheet - you will not be able to complete all of the questions - do those that you can based on your reading.
WV 3
grammar quiz Unit 1 Friday
Type up final draft for Dadi essay due Monday - submit all drafts

Friday, 10/3
In Class
grammar quiz Unit 1
binder check
WV Unit Test

Type up final draft for Dadi essay due Monday - submit all drafts

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

English 8: "The Masque of the Red Death" - Gothic Elements


Watch this link and see if these Gothic elements match the ones you found as you read Poe's short story "The Masque of the Red Death."

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

English 8: Gothic Images of Boo Radley

"Jem gave a reasonable description of Boo:  Boo was about six-and-a-half feet tall, judging from his tracks; he dined on raw squirrels and any cats he could catch, that's why his hands were bloodstained - if you ate an animal raw, you could never wash the blood off.  There was a long jagged scar that ran across his face; what teeth he had were yellow and rotten; his eyes popped, and he drooled most of the time." from TKaM, p. 13

English 6: Plans September 22- 26, 2014

Monday, 9/22
In Class
introduce analogies
Review Shabanu pp 1-31
WV 2 - sentences due Wednesday

Tuesday, 9/23 - Back to School Night
In Class
grammar lessons 5, 6, 7 odds
Active Reading  - using the yellow sticky notes - predictions, visualization, characterization, problems - base this on the reading from pages 1-31
WV - revising

Wednesday, 9/24
In Class
correct grammar
leads - based on description, colors - base the leads on a character for Guluband chapter
for Birth chapter, write leads based on action
WV - revising

Thursday, 9/25 - Rosh Hashana no school
WV - revising

Friday, 9/26
In Class
Word Voyage due
Read silently 32-64 up to “Shatoosh”
complete Analyzing Lit ques 1-4
finish reading pp 32-64 up to “Shatoosh” and complete Analyzing Lit ques 1-4
for Monday

Monday, 9/29
In Class
Writing Workshop - What do you think about Dadi as a father?

WV 3

Monday, September 22, 2014

English 7: Plans Sept 22- Sept 26, 2014

Monday, 9/22
In Class
Word Voyage review
WV 2 - sentences due Wednesday

Tuesday, 9/23 - Back to School Night
In Class
Grammar - unit 1 review
grammar game
Intro Ordinary paper - model intros: hook, thesis, reason list
WV - revising
Grammar - Unit 1 Review ALL, p.59 & 60

Wednesday, 9/24
In Class
correct grammar
What is your ailment?
Introduce Wonder STEAM projects - NOODLE TOOLS
List of possible choices to research, but feel free to research other possible conditions:
  • Blind
  • Deaf
  • Mute
  • Autism
  • ALS
  • cerebral palsy
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Various Skin conditions
  • Elephantiasis
  • quadriplegic
  • Epilepsy
  • cleft lip palate
  • mental health issues- such as Schizophrenia, Post traumatic stress disorder,Obsessive Compulsive disorder
WV - revising
grammar unit 1 quiz Friday

Thursday, 9/25 - No School  Rosh Hashanah
WV - due tomorrow

Friday, 9/26
In Class
Grammar unit 1 quiz
Research your topic in library - beginning stages of the project
read Wonder through p. 80 - this completes Part 1 and complete active reading sheet

Monday, 9/29
In Class
WW - What makes you ordinary?

English 8: Plans Sept 22- Sept 26, 2014

Monday 9/22
In Class
list quiz ch 1-3
This is for the birds -hand in your bird of choice
WV 2

Tuesday 9/23
In Class
quick grammar review - unit 1
discuss Gothic lit and doppelganger (project coming) - note taking sheet
draw pic of Boo based on descrip p. 13
grammar lesson 1 p. 59-60 all

Wednesday 9/24
In Class
review grammar
writing Wednesday - this is for the birds
study for grammar quiz
TKaM ch 4, 5, 6 for Monday

Thursday 9/25 - no school

Friday, 9/26
In Class
grammar quiz unit 1
indepdently read Poe’s “Masque of the Red Death”
identify all elements of Gothic lit
TKaM ch 4, 5, 6 for Monday
identify all elements of Gothic lit in TKAM

Monday, 9/29
In Class
review gothic elements sheets
WV 3