Monday, Jan 19 - No School MLK
Tuesday, January 20
In Class
½ of poem must be memorized today
grammar - review adjective quizzes
explain that kids will be working with us and David A to create this unit on concrete poetry
introduce concrete poetry and blackout poetry with slideshow
bring in a novel from home - must have it for Thursday’s lesson
continue to memorize poem
Wednesday, January 21 - art
In Class
illustrate poem - to go on bulletin board - one quote from the poem on the illustration
continue to memorize poem
Thursday, January 22
In Class
found poetry - using novel from home, create your own found poem
words for blocks - 2 nouns, 2 action verbs, 1 adjective, 1 adverb
found poem, typed, due tomorrow
bring in newspaper in for tomorrow
continue to memorize poem
Friday, January 23 - art (I join David) and team time
In Class
share beautiful words and poems created from them
found poetry
2 found poems due Monday
work on memorizing rest of poem for Monday
bring in newspaper article for Monday