Tuesday, November 18, 2014

English 8: Plans November 17 - November 25

Monday, November 17
In Class
Book project gallery
WV 7

Tuesday, November 18
In Class
finish sharing projects
begin TKaM movie - Be ready to write a review.  how did the movie enhance your understanding of the novel?  Address music, casting.
WV 7
22, 23, 24 - verbs

Wednesday, November 19
In Class
review grammar
WV 7
choose a song for your tea party character- see website for specific details - due tomorrow
movie review due Monday:  
    • How did viewing the movie enhance your understanding of the novel?
    • In what ways do you prefer the book to the novel? Visa versa?
    • Refer to the Glossary of Film Language distributed in class. Underline any terms you use in your paper. Think specifically about these following elements in your paper.
      • Casting
      • Cinematography - Camera distance & angles- the position and movement of the camera is critical in determining not only what we see but how we  see it. Framing?
      • Setting? Lighting? Sound?

Thursday, November 20
In Class
share review assignment
collect song assignment essay
finish movie
WV 7

Friday, November 21
In Class
assign food for tea
work on review
make sure all are prepared for Tuesday’s tea
movie review due Monday:  
    • How did viewing the movie enhance your understanding of the novel?
    • In what ways do you prefer the book to the novel? Visa versa?
    • Refer to the Glossary of Film Language distributed in class. Underline any terms you use in your paper. Think specifically about these following elements in your paper.
      • Casting
      • Cinematography - Camera distance & angles- the position and movement of the camera is critical in determining not only what we see but how we  see it. Framing?
      • Setting? Lighting? Sound?
Monday, November 24
In Class
movie review due
prep for Tea

Tuesday, November 25 - Alumni Day
In Class
Tea Party