Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Pick Your Man AND Pick Your Project - due Friday, June 3

Pick Your Man AND Pick Your Project
Essay or Poster? Julius Caesar or Brutus?
Due Friday, June 3

Choice 1
For either topic, use your history text (chapter 14) and/or Shakespeare’s tragedy to complete your answers to the fullest. One page, typed.

Brutus: Noblest or Lowliest Roman of Them All?

In the final lines of Julius Caesar, Antony hovers over the body of Brutus and says, “This was the noblest Roman of them all. All the conspirators except him did what they did out of envy of great Caesar. He joined them only out of loyalty to the people and for the common good. His life was noble. He was such a mixture of parts, that Nature might rise to her feet and proclaim to all the world: “That was a man!” (Act V, sc v)

Do you agree with Antony or not? Support what you write with proof (at least ONE quote)from Shakespeare’s tragedy.


Julius Caeser: Man of the Year or Most Wanted?

After all of your reading about Julius Caesar in both English in history classes, we know you have formed your opinion of this historical figure.  Do you consider him a Man of the Year?  Or should his picture be splashed on a Most Wanted poster? Support what you write with proof (at least ONE quote)from Shakespeare’s tragedy.

Choice 2
Take the above assignment, and instead of writing a one-page essay, write one paragraph. Include appropriate images to support what you write.

Splash a quote across your poster.

Be colorful and bold with your presentation.

Here are examples of Man of the Year and Most Wanted posters.