Wednesday, November 5, 2014

English 8: Aunt Alexandra's Tea Party and Character Song

Aunt Alexandra's Tea Party and Sing-a-long

You are cordially invited to tea with Miss Alexandra!
We will dine and delight with all the famous Maycomb citizens!

Your Responsibilities:
* You have been cast as a character!
* Be very familiar with that character; you will assume his/her identity!
* Bring a southern-style dish (soul food) for the social hour.  
* Wear one article of clothing or an accessory that suits your character.
* Interact with others as your character.
* Complete character song assignment.
* Share your character song with Miss Caroline (your teacher) and the other residents of Maycomb.

Character Song
  • Assuming your character role for the tea party, you must select ONE song that best represents your character.  WHY does this song represent your character?  
  • In choosing your song, consider your character’s:
    • overall personality
    • general characteristics-don’t limit yourself to his or her physical attributes
    • primary conflict, thoughts, emotions, etc.
    • the “aha” moment in the story
    • If you are portraying a minor character in the novel, you can focus on the setting or theme or the resolution of the story
  • Analyze the lyrics, tempo, melody, etc.  This analysis must be typed and at least one page in length. Hand it in on Thursday, November 20.
  • You will graded on your ability to make insightful connections between ideas and information in the text to your selected song.
  • Make sure the lyrics are appropriate.
  • Here’s the link for the rubric will be using:

Atticus - Jamie
Scout - Hannah
Jem - Zach
Boo - Kevin
Tom Robinson - Christian
Heck Tate - Graham
Judge Taylor - Ethan
Aunt Alexandra
Mrs. Dubose
Mayella Ewell - Jacqueline
Dill - Griffin
Aunt Stephanie 
Miss Maudie - Grace
Bob Ewell - Brendan
Calpurnia - Matthew
Walter Cunningham ( Jr. or Sr.) JR - Tommy

Bonus! Bonus! Bonus! Bonus! Bonus! Bonus! Bonus! Bonus! Bonus!
You will receive extra points if you:
  • dress (from head to toe) as your character
  • bring a (school-appropriate) three-dimensional prop that suits your character
This will be GRADED!!