Friday, May 16, 2014

English 7: Pigman Scrapbook

Annotated Scrapbook - due Friday, May 30

A scrapbook is an album in which items worth remembering such as photos, dried flowers, letters, etc. are kept.  Some scrapbooks contain annotations, or explanatory notes, so that the included items can be remembered more clearly.

For this project, you are to create a scrapbook for a character from The Pigman.  Be sure to write the scrapbook from your character’s point of view.  
Use the following steps to guide you as you work on this project:

  1. Choose your character.

  1. Create a list of 5 items and/or people your character considers special.  Determine how you will represent each of these items.  

  1. Using the paper provided, create a page for each of these items. Each page must include:
  • A representation of the item (use drawings, clipart, actual objects, etc. to make the scrapbook come to life)!
  • Include an annotated note, a descriptive sentence or two, for each item. What is it?  Why is it worth remembering?  Do not write in pencil.  You may type your annotations and glue them in your scrapbook if you prefer.  Neatness counts.

  1. Now finish off your scrapbook by decorating the cover.  You must include the character’s name and his/her role in the community.