Monday, April 21
In Class
13-15 sequencing on Monday - kids determine their own events of importance and find a quote to support
write a brief poem reflecting one aspect of the novel - some trying hiaku
WV 24
essay rewrite due Wed.
Tuesday, April 22
In Class
Intro 82, 83, 84, 85 odds - hyphens, dashes, apostrophes, numbers, abbreviations
review rules with the kids
WV 24
Grammar 82, 83, 84, 85 odds
essay rewrite due Wed.
Wednesday, April 23
In Class
essay rewrite due
correct grammar
readers theater 16-21
WV 24
finish the book for Monday
Thursday, April 24 - field trip
HW - Secondary School Fair - No HW...
except for WV 24
finish the book for Monday
Friday, April 25 - field trips
finish the book for Monday